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with a soul Flavor

with a soul Flavor
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with a soul Flavor

El disco "with a soul flavor" contiene cinco canciones instrumentales dentro de los estilos rock y soul. Javier es un guitarrista con fuertes raíces en el hard rock y en el blues, pero a lo largo de su carrera ha trabajado con otros estilos como el funk o el soul. Todo este bagaje e influencias se ven reflejadas, en forma de pequeños trazos, en la música de este EP.

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The album "with a soul flavor" contains five instrumental songs within the rock and soul styles. Javier is a guitarist with strong roots in hard rock and blues, but throughout his career he has worked with other styles such as funk or soul. All this baggage and influences are reflected, in the form of small strokes, in the music of this EP.

WEB JAVI music Guitar Song 110 F Soul